Ya podéis entrar a comprar en mi nueva tienda online verymadmonkey.com donde encontraréis ropa, artículos de hogar, accesorios, láminas, pegatinas, cuadros y todo tipo de cosas. Espero que os guste y lo disfrutéis mucho, y por supuesto, compréis cosas :)
You can now go shopping in my new online store verymadmonkey.com where you will find clothes, household items, accessories, stickers and paintings and all kinds of things. I hope you like it and enjoy it very much, and of course, buy things :)
You can now go shopping in my new online store verymadmonkey.com where you will find clothes, household items, accessories, stickers and paintings and all kinds of things. I hope you like it and enjoy it very much, and of course, buy things :)